Here you can find details about privacy policy of operator ZOBORTRANS SK, s.r.o., IČO 523 49 373, DVORČANSKÁ 448/74, 949 05 NITRA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC.

Contact of person responsible for data protection: or ZOBORTRANS SK, s.r.o., person responsible for GDPR, DVORČANSKÁ 448/74, 949 05 NITRA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC.

Recent version of personal data processing:

General privacy policy of website here:

When completing the forms at this website to order transports processing of personal data takes place or may take place by the operator, the company ZOBORTRANS SK, s.r.o., DVORČANSKÁ 448/74, 949 05 NITRA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC.

Contact data of the operator's responsible person: or or ZOBORTRANS SK, s.r.o., person responsible for GDPR, DVORČANSKÁ 448/74, 949 05 NITRA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC.

The purposes of personal data processing: 
1. accounting (legal basis for the processing: Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on income tax, Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on accounting and Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on VAT)
2. Keeping records of the performed transportations (legal basis for the processing: Decree No. 11/1975 Coll. on Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code and Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code).

The recipients of personal data are the Financial Directorate of Slovak Republic upon processing for purpose 1 and upon processing for purpose 2 providers of legal services and insurance for operator, and further may be the driver transporting the shipment provided with contact and identification data of the contact person at the place of loading and unloading, as far as hereby no transfer of personal data to third countries takes place. No transfer of personal data to a third country takes place. The retention period of personal data is 10 years as of the moment of issuing the invoice in case of processing purpose 1 and 5 years of the shipment delivery moment in case of processing purpose 2.

The data subject is entitled to claim from the data controller access to the personal data relating to the data subject and has the right to correct or delete or restrict processing of their personal data and also has the right to object to processing of the data and has the right to transferability of the data. When breach of legal regulations relating to the protection of personal data is suspected, it is possible to file a complaint to the supervisory authority, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava,

The processed personal data is necessary for performing the statutory requirement in case of processing purpose 1 and for conclusion and/or meeting of the obligations from the contract in case of processing purpose 2. Without provision of the required personal data it will not be possible to implement the service under the contract and payment for it. Upon the processing of personal data, no automated decision-making or profiling is used.

Contact form
Based on legal regulations, our website contains data that allows us to quickly establish electronic contact with our company as well as direct communication with us, which also includes the general address (e-mail address). If the aggrieved person contacts the operator via e-mail or contact form, the personal data provided by the aggrieved person will be automatically stored. Such personal data provided to the operator by the aggrieved person on a voluntary basis shall be stored for the purposes of processing or contacting the aggrieved person. This personal data is not provided to third parties.